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The Symbol blockchain has two types of LockTransactions: Hash Lock Transaction and Secret Lock Transaction.

8.1 Hash Lock

Hash Lock Transactions enable a transaction to be be announced later. The transaction is stored in every node's partial cache with a hash value until the transaction is announced. The transaction is locked and not processed on the API node until it is signed by all cosignatories. It does not lock the tokens owned by the account but a 10 XYM deposit is paid by the initiator of the transaction. The locked funds will be refunded to the initiating account when the Hash Lock transaction is fully signed. The maximum validity period of a Hash Lock Transaction is approximately 48 hours, if the transaction is not completed within this time period then the 10 XYM deposit is lost.

Creation of an Aggregate Bonded Transaction.

bob = sym.Account.generateNewAccount(networkType);

tx1 = sym.TransferTransaction.create(
bob.address, //Send to Bob
new sym.Mosaic(
new sym.NamespaceId("symbol.xym"),
sym.EmptyMessage, //mptyMessage

tx2 = sym.TransferTransaction.create(
alice.address, //Send to Alice
sym.PlainMessage.create("thank you!"), //Message

aggregateArray = [
tx1.toAggregate(alice.publicAccount), //Sent from Alice
tx2.toAggregate(bob.publicAccount), //Sent from Bob

//Aggregate Bonded Transaction
aggregateTx = sym.AggregateTransaction.createBonded(
).setMaxFeeForAggregate(100, 1);

signedAggregateTx = alice.sign(aggregateTx, generationHash);

Specify the public key of the sender's account when two transactions, tx1 and tx2, are arrayed in AggregateArray. Get the public key in advance via the API with reference to the Account chapter. Arrayed transactions are verified for integrity in this order during block approval.

For example, it is possible to send an NFT from Alice to Bob in tx1 and then from Bob to Carol in tx2, but changing the order of the Aggregate Transaction to tx2,tx1 will result in an error. In addition, if there is even one inconsistent transaction in the Aggregate transaction, the entire Aggregate transaction will fail and will not be approved into the chain.

Creation, signing and announcement of Hash Lock Transaction

//Creation of Hash Lock TX
hashLockTx = sym.HashLockTransaction.create(
new sym.Mosaic(
new sym.NamespaceId("symbol.xym"),
sym.UInt64.fromUint(10 * 1000000),
), //10xym by default
sym.UInt64.fromUint(480), // Lock expiry date
signedAggregateTx, // Register this hash value

signedLockTx = alice.sign(hashLockTx, generationHash);

//Announcing Hash Lock TX
await txRepo.announce(signedLockTx).toPromise();

Announcement of Aggregate Bonded Transaction

After checking with e.g. Explorer, announce the Bonded Transaction to the network.

await txRepo.announceAggregateBonded(signedAggregateTx).toPromise();


Co-sign the locked transaction from the specified account (Bob).

txInfo = await txRepo
.getTransaction(signedAggregateTx.hash, sym.TransactionGroup.Partial)
cosignatureTx = sym.CosignatureTransaction.create(txInfo);
signedCosTx = bob.signCosignatureTransaction(cosignatureTx);
await txRepo.announceAggregateBondedCosignature(signedCosTx).toPromise();


Hash Lock Transactions can be created and announced by anyone, not just the account that initially creates and signs the transaction. But make sure that the Aggregate Transaction includes a transaction for whom the account is the signer. Dummy transactions with no mosaic transmission and no message are valid.

8.2 Secret Lock・Secret Proof

The secret lock creates a common password in advance and locks the designated mosaic. This allows the recipient to receive the locked mosaic if they can prove that they possess the password before the lock expiry date.

This section describes how Alice locks 1XYM and Bob unlocks the transaction to receive the funds.

First, create a Bob account to interact with Alice. Bob needs to announce the transaction to unlock the transaction, so please request 10XYM from the faucet.

bob = sym.Account.generateNewAccount(networkType);

//FAUCET URL outlet
"" +
bob.address.plain() +

Secret Lock

Create a common pass for locking and unlocking.

sha3_256 = require("/node_modules/js-sha3").sha3_256;

random = sym.Crypto.randomBytes(20);
hash = sha3_256.create();
secret = hash.update(random).hex(); //Lock keyword
proof = random.toString("hex"); //Unlock keyword
console.log("secret:" + secret);
console.log("proof:" + proof);
Sample output
> secret:f260bfb53478f163ee61ee3e5fb7cfcaf7f0b663bc9dd4c537b958d4ce00e240

Creating, signing and announcing transaction

lockTx = sym.SecretLockTransaction.create(
new sym.Mosaic(
new sym.NamespaceId("symbol.xym"),
sym.UInt64.fromUint(1000000), //1XYM
), //Mosaic to lock
sym.UInt64.fromUint(480), //Locking period (number of blocks)
sym.LockHashAlgorithm.Op_Sha3_256, //Algorithm used for lock keyword generation
secret, //Lock keyword
bob.address, //Forwarding address to unlock:Bob

signedLockTx = alice.sign(lockTx, generationHash);
await txRepo.announce(signedLockTx).toPromise();

The LockHashAlgorithm is as follows

{0: 'Op_Sha3_256', 1: 'Op_Hash_160', 2: 'Op_Hash_256'}

At the time of locking, the unlock destination is specified by Bob, thus the destination account (Bob) cannot be changed even if an account other than Bob unlocks the transaction.

The maximum lock period is 365 days (counting number of blocks in days).

Check the approved transactions.

slRepo = repo.createSecretLockRepository();
res = await{ secret: secret }).toPromise();
Sample output
> SecretLockInfo
amount: UInt64 {lower: 1000000, higher: 0}
compositeHash: "770F65CB0CC0CA17370DE961B2AA5B48B8D86D6DB422171AB00DF34D19DEE2F1"
endHeight: UInt64 {lower: 323495, higher: 0}
hashAlgorithm: 0
mosaicId: MosaicId {id: Id}
ownerAddress: Address {address: 'TBXUTAX6O6EUVPB6X7OBNX6UUXBMPPAFX7KE5TQ', networkType: 152}
recipientAddress: Address {address: 'TBTWKXCNROT65CJHEBPL7F6DRHX7UKSUPD7EUGA', networkType: 152}
recordId: "6260A1D3205E94BEA3D9E3E9"
secret: "F260BFB53478F163EE61EE3E5FB7CFCAF7F0B663BC9DD4C537B958D4CE00E240"
status: 0
version: 1

It shows that Alice who locked the transaction is recorded in ownerAddress and the Bob is recorded in recipientAddress. The information about the secret is published and Bob informs the network of the corresponding proof.

Secret Proof

Unlock the transaction using the secret proof. Bob must have obtained the secret proof in advance.

proofTx = sym.SecretProofTransaction.create(
sym.LockHashAlgorithm.Op_Sha3_256, //Algorithm used for lock keyword generation
secret, //Lock keyword
bob.address, //Deactivated accounts (receiving accounts)
proof, //Unlock keyword

signedProofTx = bob.sign(proofTx, generationHash);
await txRepo.announce(signedProofTx).toPromise();

Confirm the approval result.

txInfo = await txRepo
.getTransaction(signedProofTx.hash, sym.TransactionGroup.Confirmed)
Sample output
> SecretProofTransaction
> deadline: Deadline {adjustedValue: 12669305546}
hashAlgorithm: 0
maxFee: UInt64 {lower: 20700, higher: 0}
networkType: 152
payloadSize: 207
proof: "A6431E74005585779AD5343E2AC5E9DC4FB1C69E"
recipientAddress: Address {address: 'TBTWKXCNROT65CJHEBPL7F6DRHX7UKSUPD7EUGA', networkType: 152}
secret: "4C116F32D986371D6BCC44CE64C970B6567686E79850E4A4112AF869580B7C3C"
signature: "951F440860E8F24F6F3AB8EC670A3D448B12D75AB954012D9DB70030E31DA00B965003D88B7B94381761234D5A66BE989B5A8009BB234716CA3E5847C33F7005"
signer: PublicAccount {publicKey: '9DC9AE081DF2E76554084DFBCCF2BC992042AA81E8893F26F8504FCED3692CFB', address: Address}
> transactionInfo: TransactionInfo
hash: "85044FF702A6966AB13D05DBE4AC4C3A13520C7381F32540429987C207B2056B"
height: UInt64 {lower: 323805, higher: 0}
id: "6260CC7F60EE2B0EA10CCEDA"
merkleComponentHash: "85044FF702A6966AB13D05DBE4AC4C3A13520C7381F32540429987C207B2056B"
type: 16978

The SecretProofTransaction does not contain information about the amount of any mosaics received. Check the amount in the receipt created when the block is generated. Search for receipts addressed to Bob with receipt type:LockHash_Completed.

receiptRepo = repo.createReceiptRepository();

receiptInfo = await receiptRepo
receiptType: sym.ReceiptTypeLockHash_Completed,
targetAddress: bob.address,
Sample output
> data: Array(1)
> 0: TransactionStatement
height: UInt64 {lower: 323805, higher: 0}
> receipts: Array(1)
> 0: BalanceChangeReceipt
amount: UInt64 {lower: 1000000, higher: 0}
> mosaicId: MosaicId
id: Id {lower: 760461000, higher: 981735131}
targetAddress: Address {address: 'TBTWKXCNROT65CJHEBPL7F6DRHX7UKSUPD7EUGA', networkType: 152}
type: 8786

ReceiptTypes are as follows:

{4685: 'Mosaic_Rental_Fee', 4942: 'Namespace_Rental_Fee', 8515: 'Harvest_Fee', 8776: 'LockHash_Completed', 8786: 'LockSecret_Completed', 9032: 'LockHash_Expired', 9042: 'LockSecret_Expired', 12616: 'LockHash_Created', 12626: 'LockSecret_Created', 16717: 'Mosaic_Expired', 16718: 'Namespace_Expired', 16974: 'Namespace_Deleted', 20803: 'Inflation', 57667: 'Transaction_Group', 61763: 'Address_Alias_Resolution', 62019: 'Mosaic_Alias_Resolution'}

8786: 'LockSecret_Completed' : LockSecret is completed
9042: 'LockSecret_Expired' :LockSecret is expired

8.3 Tips for use

Paying the transaction fee instead

Generally blockchains require transaction fees for sending transactions. Therefore, users who want to use blockchains need to obtain the native currency of the chain to pay fees (e.g. Symbol's native currency XYM) from the exchange in advance. If the user is a company, the way it is managed might be an issue from an operational point of view. If using Aggregate Transactions, service providers can cover hash lock and transaction fees on behalf of users.

Scheduled transactions

Secret locks are refunded to the account that created the transaction after a specified number of blocks. When the service provider charges the cost of the lock for the Secret Lock account, the amount of tokens owned by the user for the lock will increase after the expiry date has passed. On the other hand, announcing a secret proof transaction before the deadline has passed is treated as a cancellation as the transaction is completed and the funds are returned to the service provider.

Atomic swaps

Secret locks can be used to exchange mosaics (tokens) with other chains. Please note that other chains refer to this as a hash time lock contract (HTLC) not to be mistaken for a Symbol Hash Lock.